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“I had no idea how little you have to do to reverse it” – Gabrielle’s Cholesterol Journey

Learn how Gabrielle “had no idea that it (cholesterol) really was a silent killer and how little you have to do to reverse it”

Gabrielle’s journey towards better heart health began with a Benecol advertisement she stumbled upon. Intrigued by the offer of a free cholesterol test, she decided to take advantage of the opportunity and signed up without giving it much thought. Little did she know that this seemingly small decision would change her daily habits. Gabrielle’s journey towards better heart health began with a simple advertisement she stumbled upon. Intrigued by the offer of a free cholesterol test, she decided to take advantage of the opportunity and signed up without giving it much thought. Little did she know that this seemingly small decision would change her daily habits.

After receiving her test results, Gabrielle was taken aback to learn that her cholesterol levels were high. The realisation hit her that this “silent killer” could pose a significant threat to her overall well-being. Determined to take control of her health, Gabrielle began researching various ways to improve her cholesterol levels and saw that small lifestyle adjustments can have a profound impact. She learned that by making simple modifications to her diet, and overall lifestyle, she could take significant steps toward achieving a healthy cholesterol level.

Gabrielle found her love for gardening and spoke passionately about how cultivating a garden allowed her to switch off from the hustle and bustle of daily life, and allows you to be very peaceful in yourself. It became more than just a hobby; it became her secret to better heart health.

Gabrielle discovered that gardening offered a multitude of benefits for heart health. She learned that spending time outdoors, soaking up sunlight, and engaging in physical activity, such as digging, planting, and weeding, could improve cardiovascular fitness.

Gabrielle emphasized that it doesn’t always require drastic measures to achieve significant results and demonstrated how a seemingly unrelated activity like gardening could contribute to an overall healthier lifestyle and the reversal of high cholesterol.

Gabrielle’s story serves as a reminder that change often begins with a single step. For Gabrielle, it all started with a simple decision and a love for gardening.

Plant stanol ester has been shown to lower cholesterol. High cholesterol is a risk factor in the development of coronary heart disease. The beneficial effect has been shown with a daily intake of 1.5-3.0g plant stanols, as part, of a healthy diet and lifestyle.


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